Sunday, January 4, 2009

Tips for Finding Humor in Turbulent Times, Part 2

There are plenty of ways to add a touch of humor to the everyday -- just look around!

This installment encourages you to play with the "signs of the times" and offers inspirations for totally Random Acts of Silliness and Kindness...

3. Signs of the Times - here are some mirthful sayings to spark up your conversations:

The rules have changed… there are none!

Apparently not all clowns are in the circus!

Never wrestle with a pig - you both get dirty, but the pig likes it!

You don’t have to be crazy to work here…but it sure helps!

If we’re closed, just slide the money under the door!

I’m not weird… I’m gifted!

4. Try Some Random Acts of Silliness and Kindness:

Wear mismatched gloves or socks… on purpose!

If and when a store clerk, restaurant server or flight attendant asks matter-of-factly
“How are you today?” try replies such as: “Well medicated - and you?” or “At least I’m verticle!
Instead of them always thanking you, thank them first and watch their reaction!

Next: We will show you how to carry this Humor-Thing a few more steps further, including:

How to Have FUN with Your Food!

Popping the Bubble for Stress Relief!

Use Your Imagination!

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