It's helpful to define what "healing humor" is, so we know how to effectively apply it: healthy, therapeutic humor enhances relationships, is non-hostile, sympathetic, benevolent, tolerant, and often philosophical. In defining this, let us be careful to distinguish it from hurtful, harmful humor that is more aggressive, critical, sarcastic, and cruel, often based on put-downs, and involves laughing at someone else’s expense.
The Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor (AATH) has generated a list of 10 great tips to help you lighten up and rise above the current turmoil and stress you may be experiencing; some seem simple (pun) enough, but bear reminding:
1. Adjust Your Attitude - Stop watching the news and start counting your blessings instead of your money! The blessings will increase, while the money is…well, you know!
2. Make Someone Else Happy - Send unexpected ‘thank you’ or greeting cards to a mix of people. Start with those who aren't expecting it but deserve it. Then, send a couple to people who aren't expecting and don't deserve it. Then, pick a couple names at random out of the phone book that certainly aren't expecting it and have no idea who you are!
Next: Find out how to play with the "signs of the times" and get inspirations for totally Random Acts of Silliness and Kindness!