“Help! My Teenager is an Alien” Radio Show with Sarah Newton on Wednesday, June 18th at 1:30PM EDT, Sarah Newton and Becky Cortino discuss the joys of parenting and having fun with your children and especially teens.
Having fun opens the door and opens channels of communication, fosters learning, and grows deeper relationships. Find out how.
Show Info --> http://snipurl.com/2c1ej
You may -- or may not know Sarah, but --
Sarah Newton is sometimes known as Britain’s well-known teen coach. She is the only teen coach to have hosted her own eight-part TV series, ‘My Teen’s a Nightmare – I’m Moving Out.’ Sarah has been seen on most channels, with one of her programs being watch by 1 in 4 of the UK population.
Her first book, “Help! My Teenager is an Alien - the Everyday Situation Guide for Parents" was launched in March 2007 and rarely drops off the top ten parenting teenager book list. She recently learned that her book is being translated into Polish and Chinese.
I met Sarah earlier this year and have been quite inspired by her story and the invaluable work she does with teens and their families. How she became Britain’s best-known teen coach is an amazing story!
As a police officer in London, Sarah worked with a 15-year-old boy named Luke. In tears he confessed that he was in jail because everyone expected him to be there. He could see no way out and felt society had given up on him. She was the last person to speak with him before he took his life in his cell. Sarah has a strong commitment to helping teens and their families to strengthen their relationships.
Hope you will tune into “Help! My Teen is an Alien” Radio Show with Sarah Newton and I on Wednesday, June 18 at 1:30PM EDT.
Show Info --> http://snipurl.com/2c1ej